Kleyn Trucks B.V.

Industrieweg 2
4214 KZ Vuren
(Wilayah: )
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Layanan yang diberikan oleh Kleyn Trucks B.V.

  • Peralatan bekas pakai
  • Perbaikan
  • Pengangkutan

Deskripsi perusahaan

Kleyn Trucks http://www.kleyntrucks.com , is one of the largest independent traders of used commercial vehicles in the world. You can choose from a continually changing stock of 1,200 used trucks, tractor units, semi-trailers, trailers, tippers and mixers. Our range includes all European brands used trucks, model years and price categories. The experienced buyers at Kleyn Trucks have worked in this field for many years, so they know exactly what customers want and buy in accordingly. This guarantees success.

Iklan-iklan Kleyn Trucks B.V. di Mascus

    Temukan rute menuju Kleyn Trucks B.V.

    Industrieweg 2, 4214 KZ Vuren, Belanda
    Kirim pesan kepada Kleyn Trucks B.V.

    The company offers services like: peralatan bekas pakai, perbaikan dan pengangkutan.