Meurrens Machinery n.v.

Dellestraat 9 + 14
3560 Lummen
(Wilayah: )
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Layanan yang diberikan oleh Meurrens Machinery n.v.

  • Peralatan bekas pakai

Merek yang diwakili

  • Liebherr

Deskripsi perusahaan

Buying and selling construction and industrial machinery is the main activity of Meurrens Machinery N.V., located in Lummen / Belgium. The favorable locationof the company permits business in Europe and worldwide.

Meurrens Machinery is famous for reliable service, business and clear agreements. There is permanently a large gamma of different construction and industrial machinery. The customers have the choise of ca. 200 machines, immediately available. Furthermore, we are offering assistence in exportdeclarations and transportorganisations.

Iklan-iklan Meurrens Machinery n.v. di Mascus

    Temukan rute menuju Meurrens Machinery n.v.

    Dellestraat 9 + 14, 3560 Lummen, Belgia
    Kirim pesan kepada Meurrens Machinery n.v.

    Kata kunci

    • Liebherr

    The company offers services like: peralatan bekas pakai.

    Meurrens Machinery n.v. represents brands: Liebherr.

    The company specializes in Liebherr.